In 2016, Chinese investors made a direct investment of RMB 1,254,089 million or USD 188,803 million cumulatively (up 29.6% year on year) in 7,961 foreign enterprises of 164 countries and regions.
Contracted projects in other countries reported an annual turnover of RMB1,058,920 million or USD159,420 million (up 3.5% year on year) and the value of newly signed contracts arrived at RMB1,620,790 million or USD244,010 million (up 16.2% over year on year).
China’s outbound investment and cooperation has been lifted by the international cooperation in production capacity and the “Belt and Road Initiative” (the “B&R”) to a new high. China is undoubtedly a giant investor.
Report of China's Outbound Investment Cooperation (2017).pdf