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International Relation

Argentina returns 14 pieces of cultural relics to China

June 28, 2024

Abstract : The Chinese embassy in Argentina received 14 pieces of cultural relics returned to China from the South American country here on Thursday.

BUENOS AIRES, June 27 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese embassy in Argentina received 14 pieces of cultural relics returned to China from the South American country here on Thursday.

Wang Wei, the Chinese ambassador to Argentina, said that this cooperation not only demonstrates Argentina's full respect for the national feelings and cultural rights and interests of the Chinese people, but also reflects the firm determination and close cooperation between China and Argentina to protect human cultural heritage, combat the smuggling of cultural relics and earnestly implement international conventions.

The cooperation has also provided valuable experience that can further strengthen collaboration between the two countries in various fields, Wang added.

The 14 returned cultural relics were illegally exported. In 2017, the cultural relics were intercepted by the Argentine police in a joint international operation of Interpol to combat the illegal trafficking of cultural relics.

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Keyword: China-Argentina cultural relics

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