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Sportswear company in SE. China's Quanzhou unveils carbon-neutral outfit for Team China at upcoming Paris Olympics

June 27, 2024

Abstract : Chinese sportswear giant Anta, also an official partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee, on Tuesday unveiled the outfit for Chinese delegation to wear on medal ceremonies during the upcoming Paris Olympics.


Picture shows the design of Team China's outfit for medal ceremonies at the upcoming Paris Olympics.

BEIJING, June 27 (Xinhua) -- Chinese sportswear giant Anta, also an official partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee, on Tuesday unveiled the outfit for Chinese delegation to wear on medal ceremonies during the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Headquartered in the city of Quanzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, Anta is a leading company in the footwear and apparel industry, as well as a demonstration of the city's efforts in promoting intelligent manufacturing.

Integrating multiple green technologies, the production of the newly unveiled outfit uses recycled fibers to achieve more than 50 percent of carbon emission reduction, certified by authoritative organization as carbon-neutral Olympic equipment.

With renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou, who directed both the 2008 Olympics and the 2022 Winter Olympics, serving as a design consultant for the outfit, the design incorporates elements of the Chinese dragon, and combines traditional techniques including embossing, patchwork and embroidery.

The classic Chinese style and coloring presented by the outfit not only showcase the richness and beauty of Chinese culture, but reflect the spirit of new-generation Chinese athletes who are willing to excel. (Edited by Yu Huichen with Xinhua Silk Road,

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Keyword: Anta Olympics Quanzhou sportswear

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