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International Relation

Chinese business community donates maize to Malawi gov't

June 27, 2024

Abstract : The Chinese business community in Malawi, through the China Enterprises Malawi Chamber of Commerce (CEMCC), donated 400 bags of maize flour worth 57,000 U.S. dollars (10 million Malawi Kwacha) to the Malawi government on Tuesday in response to the El-Nino-induced food crisis.

LILONGWE, June 26 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese business community in Malawi, through the China Enterprises Malawi Chamber of Commerce (CEMCC), donated 400 bags of maize flour worth 57,000 U.S. dollars (10 million Malawi Kwacha) to the Malawi government on Tuesday in response to the El-Nino-induced food crisis.

The donation follows Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera's appeal in March when he declared a state of disaster in 23 out of the country's 28 districts after adverse weather caused by El-Nino severely impacted Malawi's staple food, maize and other crops.

CEMCC Vice Chairperson Gu Mu said his organization made the donation as a commitment to social responsibility and a belief in the importance of supporting the communities where Chinese businesses operate.

"These 400 bags of maize flour symbolize our solidarity with the government of Malawi and its citizens in times of hardship," said Mu. "As the vice chairperson of the CEMCC and the managing director of Huawei Technologies Malawi, I am proud to hand over this donation on behalf of the CEMCC."

He further noted that the donation demonstrates the Chinese community in Malawi's understanding of its duty to contribute meaningfully to the country.

Malawian Minister of Information and Digitalization Moses Kunkuyu praised CEMCC for "stretching a helping hand" and reaching out to Malawians in need of food. He said the donation will make a difference and urged other international organizations to emulate the Chinese business community's gesture.

According to the minister, the presidential appeal for support requires 446.74 million dollars, and so far, a total of 98.6 million dollars in financial, in-kind resources and pledges have been mobilized.

"The government reiterates its call for assistance from governments, international monetary organizations, local and international non-governmental organizations, the corporate world, the clergy, and individuals of goodwill," said the minister.

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Keyword: China-Malawi maize

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