MILAN, Dec. 3 (Class Editori) — More than 200 Italian SMEs attended the orientation sessions organized by the 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad active in 58 countries. The meetings, which were held from November 29 to December 2, focused on the access to the main foreign markets in order to help all the companies interested in selling Made-in-Italy products worldwide, thus expanding their presence beyond Italian borders. During this virtual world tour, involved SMEs explored market opportunities, restrictions and perspectives in the post-COVID-19 era.
Almost half of these companies was active in the food and wine sector, while the others in the services, fashion and accessories, mechanics, design and furniture, tourism, environmental and medical industries. More than 700 meetings have been held and the countries in which SMEs were more interested included the US, Germany, France, Denmark, Russia, Canada, Switzerland and UAE. The initiative organized by Assocamerestero, the association which gathers 81 Italian Chambers of Commers Abroad, Unioncamere and Promos Italia, the Italian agency of the chamber system for internationalization, was held in the framework of the annual convention of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad.
As Domenico Mauriello, Secretary General of Assocamerestero, commented, “once again this year, the ability to activate the business community in the main foreign markets confirmed itself as the real added value of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, private subjects which represent the backbone of this peculiar promotion network thanks to which Italy can consolidate the presence of Made-in-Italy products abroad. Our export needs support in order to better express its potential, that is far from being completely exploited. In fact, we are facing a huge demand for Made-in-Italy goods from several countries which cannot be met, especially due to the structural lack in e-commerce. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed us to develop this channel and now we should benefit from this improvement to increase our export which amounts to 130 billion per year as concerns B2B and to less than 15 billion per year in terms of B2C”.
(Source:Class Editori)
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