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Cross-border e-commerce pilot zone opens for business in hinterland province

October 30, 2020

Abstract : The first comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone in northwest China's hinterland province of Qinghai was officially opened for business on Thursday in the city of Haidong.

XINING, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) -- The first comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone in northwest China's hinterland province of Qinghai was officially opened for business on Thursday in the city of Haidong.

The Haidong pilot zone received approval last December and focuses on areas including an online service platform and the construction of systems for information sharing, financial services and intelligent logistics, according to Song Jian, director of the management committee of the Qinghai Caojiapu Bonded Logistics Center (Type B).

The business model adopted in the zone allows e-commerce platforms to import unsold goods from overseas and store them in bonded warehouses before being sold, undergoing customs clearance and being delivered to consumers.

The zone's official launch is of great significance to creating a fair and competitive market environment and building a platform for cross-border e-commerce cooperation between China and Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia and Mediterranean countries, Song said. Enditem

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Keyword: cross-border e-commerce


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