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China to continue to put development focus on real economy

October 30, 2020

Abstract : China will continue to take the real economy as the focus of its economic development, unswervingly build up its strength in manufacturing, quality and cyberspace, and build a digital country, according to a communique.

BEIJING, Oct. 29 (Xinhua) -- China will continue to take the real economy as the focus of its economic development, unswervingly build up its strength in manufacturing, quality and cyberspace, and build a digital country, according to a communique.

The country will work to promote the modernization of its supply and industrial chains, and improve the quality, efficiency and core competitiveness of its economy, said the communique released Thursday after the fifth plenary session of the 19th Communist Party of China Central Committee.

Efforts will also be made to develop strategic emerging industries, accelerate modern service industries' development, advance the infrastructure construction in a coordinated way, build the country's strength in transportation and push forward energy revolution and digital development, according to the communique. Enditem

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Keyword: real economy


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