BEIJING, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Tianjin Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China (ADBC) granted 100 million special-purpose lending to Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (600535.SH), reported Xinhua Finance, an economic information platform run by Xinhua News Agency Tuesday.
The Chinese policy lender branch took the move to support Tasly Pharm., a modernized traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) producer, to secure drug supply amid the ongoing epidemic fight.
Tasly Pharm. is one of the key drug producers and suppliers for the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) prevention and control and plays a role of much importance in the recent guaranteed supply of drug nationwide.
By applying for a "green channel", ADBC's Tianjin branch further simplified its loan examination and approval and vowed to pour continuous efforts into caring for corporate capital demand for epidemic control. (Edited by Duan Jing,