MILAN, May 18 (Class Editori) — BNP Paribas Asset Management is launching "BNP Paribas Sustainable Asian Cities Bond," a Luxembourg-based sustainable thematic bond fund that offers investors exposure to a distinctive regional and thematic strategy, with the aim of taking the multi-decade growth opportunities offered by sustainable urbanization in Asia.
In detail, as explained in a note, this is the first strategy focused on Asian fixed income in the market, classified as Article 9 under the SFDR. The fund, with a focus on Asian bonds (excluding Japan), focuses on a geographic area that is experiencing robust growth in the issuance of bonds that qualify as sustainable.
The fund will contribute to promote sustainable Asian cities to address the challenges of increased urbanization, climate change impacts and inclusive growth.
The launch of BNP Paribas Sustainable Asian Cities Bond is part of BNPP AM's expanding range of sustainable thematic solutions, with a dual approach to portfolio position selection: investing in “Sustainable Labeled Bonds” on the one hand and investing in bonds from issuers involved in activities that contribute to urban sustainability solutions on the other.
(Source:Class Editori)
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