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International Relation

China mulls setting up COVID-19 vaccination sites in UAE for Chinese citizens

March 29, 2021

Abstract : China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Sunday discussed a plan to set up COVID-19 vaccination sites in the UAE to inoculate overseas Chinese citizens.

ADU DHABI, March 28 (Xinhua) -- China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Sunday discussed a plan to set up COVID-19 vaccination sites in the UAE to inoculate overseas Chinese citizens.

Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed the plan with his UAE counterpart Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan.

Wang said the Chinese government attaches great importance to the health and safety of overseas Chinese citizens, and hopes to establish COVID-19 vaccination sites in qualified and willing countries as part of its Spring Vaccine action plan to inoculate overseas Chinese citizens with Chinese vaccines.

Sheikh Abdullah said that his country, as China's strategic partner, is willing to host such sites to facilitate the COVID-19 vaccination for the Chinese citizens in the UAE and neighboring countries.

The UAE is prepared to discuss with China the detailed cooperation in this regard, he added.

Expressing his gratitude for the positive response from the UAE side, Wang said that this represents the UAE's friendliness toward the Chinese people and its readiness to assume its share of international responsibility.

He expected the plan to be implemented as soon as possible through coordination between the two sides. Enditem

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Keyword: Chinese UAE international cooperation

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