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Chinese enterprises report higher PCT applications

February 26, 2021

Abstract : China's National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA) has received increasing patent applications from domestic enterprises via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), NIPA sources said.

BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) -- China's National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA) has received increasing patent applications from domestic enterprises via the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), NIPA sources said.

In 2020, China saw a 17.9-percent year-on-year increase in patent applications from domestic applicants via the PCT, the sources said.

Applications for trademark registration under the Madrid System from domestic applicants also increased 16.1 percent year on year in 2020.

Meanwhile, the export volume of China's intellectual property royalties reached 7.47 billion U.S. dollars in the January-November period last year, up 24.2 percent year on year.

The NIPA has been strengthening international cooperation and exploring cooperation projects to better serve Chinese enterprises in IPR acquisition and protection overseas.

The NIPA has vowed to further improve the support system to resolve overseas IPR disputes and strengthen information service capacity for Chinese enterprises in the overseas market. Enditem

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Keyword: patent Patent Cooperation Treaty


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