MILAN, Apr. 22 (Class Editori) - GPI, leader company in information systems and services for the healthcare and social sector, has signed a new agreement with Suzhou KimAuto Technology Co. Ltd, the Chinese supplier with whom the Group signed an agreement in October 2018 addressed to the supply of robotized systems on the Chinese market.
In the course of time, KimAuto has demonstrated its great development and market’s penetration capacity: in 2018, it successfully completed orders of €200 thousand worth and in 2019 of €967 thousand. These orders provided for the supply of grippers and high-value components of robotized systems for the management of pharmacies based in the hospitals of the Shanghai region.
The automation strategic area, which produces the automation system for the drug’s logistics, is going on with its international expansion. The signature of the new order provides for the supply of grippers and axles, key components of the robotized systems, with a worth of more than €1 million.
The robotized closet for the storage and distribution of drugs, designed both for hospital and retail pharmacies, is the flagship of the group.
It is a highly technological system, completely wireless, which can be gradually installed thanks to its high-performance modular structure. The multipicking Riedl Phasys gripper moves at 5m/s and it is the fastest among all the competitors. The closet is tailor designed for each customer, with the aim of meeting the different needs of space and taste, leaving therefore the choice of shape, colour, height and materials to the client.
This new operation made the turnover towards China growing to more than €2.2 million, by strengthening the position in that market, thanks to the technology quality.
Thanks to Fausto Manzana- President and CEO, system technician and programmer with a wide experience in the IT field- GPI has quickly and recently grown. He has been able to accompany and stimulate the development stages which have characterized the information systems for Italian public and private bodies.
In 1988, Manzana established the GPI-Group for IT services in Trento, whose dimensions have grown in few years by taking control over an important group of specialized companies and guiding several consolidation and integration operations of the original business.
The results of 2019 have confirmed the profitability and stability of the Group, whose revenues increased year-on-year with double-digit percentages in the last 3-year period, starting from 179.9 million in 2017 to 241 million last year, with 32 million EBITDA and a net profit of 9.8 million.
Today, GPI- listed on the Stock Exchange since 2016- is the leader in the healthcare IT field and in the welfare models for citizens’ health, both for public bodies and private companies, with a supply of products and services unique of its kind in the healthcare and welfare fields.
The offer combines specialist expertise in the IT field and advisory and planning capacities, which allow to work in different business areas: Software, Care, Automation, ICT and Pay.
In addition, with the COVID-19 emergency, GPI is expecting an increase in revenues and profitability this year, thanks to confirmed orders and the growth in demand for information services about COVID-19 7/7 h24, web solutions, apps and contact centre services aiming at regulating access to pharmacies, supermarkets and blood test centres, as well as software screening solutions to manage the massive use of nose-pharyngeal swab and apps to drive infected patients to healthcare facilities.
(Source:Class Editori)
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