Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister of Economics and Energy. (picture alliance / dpa)
Germany's Federal Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier has called on politicians and the automotive industry to make bold use of the emerging wave of innovation in mobility. "Our goal must be for Germany to remain a car country in the future," Altmaier said in a video message to the New Year's reception of the Karlsruhe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) on Monday. The minister, who is a member of Chancellor Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), had cancelled his planned appearance at short notice for medical reasons.
The development of the infrastructure for electric mobility is already creating new jobs, he said. "We can certainly attract several tens of thousands of jobs to Germany with the new automobile technologies," Altmaier said. This also applies to digitalization, he said. "And who, if not you here in Baden-Württemberg and Karlsruhe, should shape these processes and take a leading role?”
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