BEIJING, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- CHANDO, a domestic cosmetics brand affiliated to JALA Group Co., is popular among Chinese young people.
In the Single's Day sales on November 11, CHANDO has won the first place in the sales of domestic cosmetics brands with 747 million yuan. Of the total sales, 58 percent come from Chinese young people under the age of 30.
Meanwhile, in terms of the sales from malls this year, CHANDO also wins the first place among domestic cosmetics brands.
Zheng Chunying, chairman of JALA Group Co., attributed the achievements to the scientific technology developed and adopted by the group. “We must be equipped with scientific technology internally, and display scientific technology results with art,” Zheng said.
Photo: Zheng Chunying, chairman of JALA Group Co., delivers a theme speech on JALA Annual Conference
At present, JALA Group Co. has possessed three world leading technologies and established a quality management system.
In 2019, JALA Group Co. has launched a total of 428 new products, covering its six brands and three categories. In 2020, it will establish a product evaluation platform for shampoo and scalp care, continue to build JALA skin data bank and make breakthrough in makeup development technology. (Edited by Tong Wei,