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Chinese dairy giant Mengniu contributes to global layout of China's dairy industry

June 20, 2024

Abstract : Dairy industry is expected to continuously embrace developing new quality productive forces, as a bid to achieve positive transformation under circumstances in the new development stage, said Li Pengcheng, executive president of Chinese dairy giant Mengniu Group.


Li Pengcheng, executive president of Chinese dairy giant Mengniu Group, delivers a speech at the China-Europe Think Tank Forum and the Launch of the Report on New Quality Productive Forces in Brussels, Belgium, June 19, 2024. (Xinhua/Zhao Dingzhe)

BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Dairy industry is expected to continuously embrace developing new quality productive forces, as a bid to achieve positive transformation under circumstances in the new development stage, said Li Pengcheng, executive president of Chinese dairy giant Mengniu Group.

Li made the remarks on Wednesday when delivering a speech at the China-Europe Think Tank Forum and the Launch of the Report on New Quality Productive Forces in Brussels, Belgium.

Founded 25 years ago, Mengniu is now ranked among the top eight enterprises in the global dairy industry. Over years of efforts in "going global", the company has not only been actively exploring its own sustainable development path, but also taking the initiative to pave the way for the internationalization of China's dairy industry with its own experience and brand power.

Looking to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, Mengniu has been striving to promote scientific and technological innovation, improve quality and efficiency, and accelerate global layout. In Indonesia, the dairy factory invested by Mengniu has realized localization from source to sales, with its products widely praised by overseas consumers.

During Wednesday's event, Mengniu also invited guests to taste its dairy products, letting the products to speak for the brand. The company has been making extensive efforts in building its brand value on the global stage.

For the upcoming Paris Olympics, the Chinese dairy giant will present as a Worldwide Olympic Partner, highlighting the synergy between its "born to excel" brand philosophy and the Olympic spirit, as well as demonstrating the determination of Chinese dairy enterprises to pursue excellence and their deep desire to resonate with the world.

China's dairy industry should actively participate in the global response to climate change and persistently promote eco-friendly development, Li pointed out in his speech. Mengniu has been proactively engaging itself in global partnerships to jointly promote sustainable development of the dairy industry, injecting green and modern impetus to the traditional sector. (Edited by Yu Huichen with Xinhua Silk Road,

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Keyword: Mengniu dairy industry new quality productive forces

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