MILAN, May 6 (Class Editori) - Huawei will promote Mediaset transition from digital terrestrial television to IPTV services. The giant of Shenzhen will indeed supply the storage equipment OceanStor 9000 and OceanStor 5600 to Berlusconi family, in order to foster the provision of video services.
"Huawei OceanStor solutions have perfectly met our needs, by allowing us to implement a real and radical shift", as Stefano Bossi, the Responsible of Content Management Engineering ofMediaset, has explained. "Disc technology services, if compared to the classic tape broadcast technologies, have recorded incredible performances; they have shown that a more effective way to store big amounts of data does exist. We have been the first in the broadcast sector to buck the trend, by relying on this kind of systems and we are very proud of it".
The agreement is taking place in the context of the collaboration started five years ago, when Mediaset redesigned the IT network. "We are proud of supporting Mediaset during its digital transformation process, by contributing to their business success in a sector, such as the IPTV one, which is continuing to change, posing increasingly more challenges", Liu Huibo, Director of Huawei Italia enterprise business group, has added. "Our OceanStor storage systems are characterized by an extraordinary mix in terms of performance, scalability and reliability which represent the ideal answer to these challenges".
The Huawei OceanStor 9000 equipment, which is based on an architecture delivered at high-performances and great scalability and isequipped with only one file system of very large size for the unstructured data storage, has allowed an easy conversion of video contents from the original format to the one for the internet transmission and their subsequent storage, in order to offer an easier access to the final user. By moving these contents on new systems, it has been possible to reduce the total number of devices with the aim of achieving a consolidation in production and infrastructure.
The Huawei OceanStor 5600 system, instead, has been used for another aim, namely the recording and the following storage of the whole material released by free to air and for payment networks, which have been broadcasted on digital terrestrial television during the last 10 years. The material, previously stored on a digital library based on tape technology, has been transferred to the disc technology for a long-term storage, which does not expose it to deterioration risk, and allows an easier and faster consultation for necessity of internal reuse.