BEIJING, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) -- ChinaBond 10-Year Policy Bank Bond Strategy Index, a gauge to measure performance of related Renminbi-denominated bonds in China, was officially released on February 12, reported Xinhua Finance, an economic information platform run by Xinhua News Agency Wednesday.
The index, expected to diversify performance-comparison benchmarks and investment targets for investors, is compiled by ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC).
As the ChinaBond Pricing center's announcement tells, underlying bonds of the index include publicly-issued and traded outstanding 10-year policy bank bonds in China, with required term to maturity of 7.25 years and above.
Code of its total return index is CBC02001 and base period is December 31, 2015 with the base point value at 100.
By January 23, its underlying bonds were 13 ones and its total market capitalization was 2.49 trillion yuan. Average duration of these underlying bonds were 7.42 and average yield to maturity was 3.50 percent.
In China, CCDC is as an important national financial market infrastructure (FMI) and provides central registration, depository and settlement services. Since its establishment, CCDC started from the centralized depository of China government bond and gradually developed into a central securities depository (CSD) for various kinds of financial products. (Edited by Duan Jing,