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Nanning City

June 19, 2019

Abstract : Summary of the Several Policy Guidelines of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrade

I. Summary of Industrial Favorable Policies for Enterprises in Nanning City

(I) Summary of Policies in Nanning on Accelerating the Development of IT Manufacturing Industry

----Summary of the Several Policy Guidelines of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrade (NFG [2017] No. 30, Valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Support for project construction

For single IT projects with one-off investment of over 200 million yuan (including 200 million yuan) on equipment and invested and constructed with investment fund, during the existence period of the fund, an annual maximum subsidy of 4 percent will be offered according to the amount being in place in the projects, with subsidy period not more than three years.

For enterprises engaging in single IT projects with one-off investment of over 20 million yuan (including 20 million yuan) on equipment, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount will be offered to the enterprises. The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 10 million yuan.

◆Support on reducing land use costs

For those purchasing land in professional parks to build projects of IT industries and relevant supporting projects in line with the development planning of professional parks, they should acquire land for construction openly through bid inviting, auction, and listing. The transfer price of industrial land should be assessed according to the market conditions of industrial land in a reasonable way, and should not be lower than the Standards for the Minimum Transfer Prices of Land for Industrial Purposes for corresponding local land grade. For projects on industrial land, the purchasing and storage costs of land are not calculated as land for single projects; investment in infrastructure and other unnecessary costs should be included in operating land costs of neighboring and other regions for general equilibrium.

◆Support for supporting industries

For newly built or technological transformation projects in fields like hardware, packaging materials, molds, injection molding and surface treatment which are ancillary projects of IT industry with an application rate of more than 70 percent, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount shall be granted to enterprises, if the one-off equipment investment of a single project exceeds 10 million yuan or more (including 10 million yuan). The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 4 million yuan.

◆Support for standard plant renting and purchasing

For industrial enterprises of manufacturing industry renting standard plants with contract lease term over three years, a subsidy of two years will be offered according to the actual rent of enterprises (a maximum of 10 yuan/square meter per month). The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 3 million yuan. For enterprises renting standard plants with output intensity of 10 thousand yuan/square meter, a subsidy of two years will be offered according to the actual rent of enterprises (a maximum of 15 yuan/square meter per month). The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

Enterprises are encouraged to purchase standard plants for manufacturing projects or producer service projects of industry field. For enterprises purchasing standard plants from construction investors for manufacturing projects or producer service projects of industry field, a one-off subsidy with the standard of 200 yuan/square meter will be offered. For standard plants with light steel structure, the subsidy will be halved.

◆Support for enterprises growth

Enterprises with annual prime operating revenue exceeding 20 billion yuan and 25 billion yuan for the first time will be awarded 3 million and 4 million yuan respectively.

Summary of the Notice of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing Several Guidelines on Accelerating the Development of IT Manufacturing Industry in Nanning (NFG [2016] No. 33, valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Support for enterprise investment

For major IT manufacturing projects with a total fixed assets investment of 3 billion yuan or more or expected annual sales revenue of 5 billion yuan or more, support shall be provided in investment and construction through market operation such as "plants built by Nanning Municipal People's Government and rent and utilized by project owners", "plants built by project owners and subsidized by Nanning Municipal People's Government", and "funds established to raise money for project construction".

◆Support for project construction

For IT manufacturing projects with plants built by project owners and a total fixed assets investment of 1 billion yuan or more as well as a total equipment investment of 600 million yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 8 percent of the annual equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 120 million yuan. For IT manufacturing projects with a total fixed assets investment of 2 billion yuan or more and a total equipment investment of 1.5 billion yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 10 percent of the annual equipment investment amount with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 300 million yuan.

For IT manufacturing projects that rent industrial standard plants built by Nanning Municipal People's Government and with a total equipment investment of 600 million yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 6 percent of the annual equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 100 million yuan. For IT manufacturing projects with a total equipment investment of 1.5 billion yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 8 percent of the annual equipment investment amount with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 200 million yuan.

◆Support for project relocation

For major IT manufacturing projects with a total fixed assets investment of 3 billion yuan or more or expected annual sales revenue of 5 billion yuan or more, and the original value of equipment of relocated projects in the year exceeding 500 million yuan, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 1 percent of the net value of equipment after the assessment of third-party agency, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 20 million yuan.

But for major relocated projects with large investment amount, multiple sub-projects and long construction period, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 30 million yuan.

◆Subsidy for sales revenue

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 2-5 billion yuan (including 5 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.4 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 60 million yuan. For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 100 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 5-10 billion yuan (including 10 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.5 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 150 million yuan. For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 250 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of over 10 billion yuan after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.6 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 300 million yuan. For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force or substantial contribution to tax revenues, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 450 million yuan.

For enterprises engaging in processing trade, the subsidy will be 60 percent of the above-mentioned standards.

◆Subsidy for freight

For projects of newly built or relocated IT manufacturing enterprises with expected annual sales revenue of 2 billion yuan or more after coming on stream, a freight subsidy will be offered to help reduce logistics costs.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 2-5 billion yuan (including 5 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted an annual freight subsidy of 0.16 percent of the annual sales revenue, The amount of annual subsidy shall not exceed 8 million yuan with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 24 million yuan. For enterprises with high-tech equipment and strong driving force, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 40 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 5-10 billion yuan (including 10 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted an annual freight subsidy of 0.18 percent of the annual sales revenue, The amount of annual subsidy shall not exceed 18 million yuan with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 54 million yuan. For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 100 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of over 10 billion yuan after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted an annual freight subsidy of 0.2 percent of the annual sales revenue. The amount of annual subsidy shall not exceed 100 million yuan with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 300 million yuan.

For enterprises engaging in processing trade, the subsidy will be 80 percent of the above-mentioned standards.

◆Support for supporting industries

For IT manufacturing enterprises that drive and introduce other enterprises to build IT manufacturing projects and projects of supporting industries, with the total sales revenue of the introduced projects in the year exceeding 10 billion yuan, 20 billion yuan, 30 billion yuan, 40 billion yuan, and 50 billion yuan for the first time, an award of an extra 20 million yuan will be offered to the enterprises for each breakthrough of total sales revenue. For each breakthrough of total sales revenue, a one-off award will be offered, with accumulated amount of award not exceeding 100 million yuan.

◆Support for enterprise R&D

Subsidy for investment in R&D. For IT enterprises with major influence in the industry that establish IT R&D, testing, certification, and other agencies in Nanning, and the equipment investment of the agencies reaching 100 million yuan and above, a maximum subsidy of 15 percent of the equipment investment of the agencies will be offered. The subsidy period is three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate shall not exceed 20 million yuan.

For agencies with world-leading expertise and equipment investment reaching 200 million yuan and above, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 30 million yuan.

Support will be offered for IT enterprises to build incubators. For IT enterprises building incubators certificated as national IT enterprise incubators, the investors will be offered an award of 1 million yuan.

(II) Summaries of Policies Introduced by Nanning on Accelerating the Development of Biomedicine Industry

----Summary of the Several Policy Guidelines of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrade (NFG [2017] No. 30, Valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Support for project construction

For single biomedicine projects with one-off investment over 50 million yuan (including 50 million yuan) on equipment and invested and constructed with investment fund, during the existence period of the fund, an annual maximum subsidy of 4 percent will be offered according to the amount being in place in the projects, with the subsidy period not more than three years.

For enterprises building advanced manufacturing projects of biomedicine industry with one-off investment over 10 million yuan (including 10 million yuan) on equipment, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent investment on equipment will be offered to the enterprises. The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 10 million yuan. For pharmaceutical manufacturers engaging in technical transformation projects for the quality and efficacy consistency evaluation of generic drugs with investment over 5 million yuan and passing the quality and efficacy consistency evaluation of generic drugs, the enterprises will be offered a subsidy of 8 percent of total investment. The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

◆Support for supporting industries

For newly built or technological transformation projects like hardware, packaging materials, molds, injection molding and surface treatment which are ancillary projects of leading biomedicine enterprises with an application rate of more than 70 percent, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount shall be granted to enterprises, if the one-off equipment investment of a single project exceeds 10 million yuan or more (including 10 million yuan). The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 4 million yuan.

◆Support for standard plant renting and purchasing

For industrial enterprises of manufacturing industry renting standard plants with contract lease term over three years, a subsidy of two years will be offered according to the actual rent of enterprises (a maximum of 10 yuan/square meter per month). The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 3 million yuan. For enterprises renting standard plants with output intensity of 10 thousand yuan/square meter, a subsidy of two years will be offered according to the actual rent of enterprises (a maximum of 15 yuan/square meter per month). The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

Enterprises are encouraged to purchase standard plants for manufacturing projects or producer service projects of industry field. For enterprises purchasing standard plants from construction investors for manufacturing projects or producer service projects of industry field, a one-off subsidy with the standard of 200 yuan/square meter will be offered. For standard plants with light steel structure, the subsidy will be halved.

◆Support for enterprises growth

Enterprises with annual prime operating revenue exceeding 20 billion yuan and 25 billion yuan for the first time will be awarded 3 million and 4 million yuan respectively. For each breakthrough of annual prime operating revenue, a one-off award will be offered.

Summary of the Notice of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing Several Guidelines on Accelerating the Development of Biomedicine Industry in Nanning (NFG [2016] No. 34, valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Support for enterprise investment

◆Support for project construction. For owners investing a one-off 200-300 million yuan on single projects, a subsidy of 8 percent of equipment investment will be offered to the enterprises; for single projects with one-off equipment investment of over 300 million yuan, a subsidy of 10 percent of equipment investment will be offered to the enterprises, capping at 30 million yuan.

Enterprises are encouraged in merger and reorganization. For foreign renowned pharmaceutical enterprises and domestic top 100 pharmaceutical enterprises merging and reorganizing Nanning-based biomedicine enterprises and producing and operating in Nanning, a subsidy of 10 percent of the increased registered capital shall be granted to the enterprises, capping at 10 million yuan.

Enterprises are encouraged to purchase pharmaceutical invention patent, exclusive varieties, and reference number of First Generic Drug (FGD). For enterprises purchasing pharmaceutical invention patents at a price reaching 10 million yuan and above, exclusive varieties at a price reaching 50 million yuan and above, and reference number of FGD at a price reaching 50 million yuan and above, a subsidy of 8-10 percent of the purchasing price will be offered, capping at 5 million yuan.

◆Support for large enterprises

For biomedicine enterprises with projects with expected annual sales revenue of 500 million yuan or more after coming on stream, a subsidy of sales revenue will be offered.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue ranging from 500 million yuan to 1 billion yuan (including 1 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.2 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 6 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue ranging from 1 billion yuan (excluding 1 billion yuan) to 1.5 billion yuan (including 1.5 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.4 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 18 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue reaching 1.5 billion yuan (excluding 1.5 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.6 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 27 million yuan.

◆Support for large varieties

Sales award will be offered to large varieties. Great efforts will be made to nurture improved varieties, with priority being given to branded, competitive exclusive national varieties and protected traditional Chinese medicine varieties. For single products with annual sales revenue exceeding 30 million yuan for the first time within three years after being put onto market, the enterprises will be granted a one-off award of 1 million yuan.

Products included in national health insurance list will be awarded. For products newly included in national essential medicine list and put into production, a one-off award of 500 thousand yuan will be offered for each variety; for products newly included in national health insurance list and put into production, a one-off award of 300 thousand yuan will be offered for each variety. The amount of award for each single enterprise shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

◆Support for innovation and R&D

Innovation platform construction will be supported. For domestic top 100 pharmaceutical enterprises and prestigious colleges and universities that establish R&D agencies in Nanjing, and the equipment investment reaching 30 million yuan and above, a maximum subsidy of 15 percent of the equipment investment will be offered, capping at 5 million yuan.

Enterprises are encouraged to obtain certificates of new drug. For projects obtaining new drug certificates of grade-I chemical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and biological products, an award of 10 million yuan will be offered for each project; for projects of grade-II chemical medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, an award of 5 million yuan will be offered for each project; for projects of grade-III and -IV chemical medicine, grade-III medical equipment with independent intellectual property rights and grade-III, -IV, -V, -VI traditional Chinese medicine, an award of 1 million yuan will be offered for each project.

The R&D in generic drug is encouraged. For products imitating foreign varieties with expired patents and obtaining reference number of FGD and put into production, a one-off award of 1 million yuan will be offered for each single variety.

◆Support for industrial agglomeration

Subsidy will be offered for enterprises renting standard plants. For hi-tech manufacturers, supporting enterprises, and technical service agencies settling down in biomedicine industrial parks and renting standard plants with investment on equipment and detecting instrument exceeding 100 million yuan and above, subsidy and other means will be used to exempt enterprises from the rent of the first three years and halve the rent for the next two years.

For biomedicine R&D enterprises within industrial parks, R&D agencies engaging in research or the pilot plant test of needed import equipment and accessories, instruments and apparatus, technical materials, reagent consumables for research, and bioactive materials, tariff and import VAT will be exempted in line with relevant national regulations.

(III) Summary of Policies in Nanning on Accelerating the Development of Advanced Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing and New Energy Vehicle Industry

----Summary of Several Policy Guidelines of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrade (NFG [2017] No. 30, valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Support for project construction

For single advanced equipment manufacturing projects (intensive aluminum processing) with one-off investment over 200 million yuan (including 200 million yuan) on equipment and invested and constructed with investment fund, during the existence period of the fund, an annual maximum subsidy of 4 percent will be offered according to the amount being in place in the projects, with the subsidy period not more than three years.

For enterprises building advanced equipment manufacturing projects (intensive aluminum processing) with one-off investment over 20 million yuan (including 20 million yuan) on equipment, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount will be offered to the enterprises. The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 10 million yuan.

◆Support on reducing land use costs

For enterprises purchasing land to build advanced equipment manufacturing projects (intensive aluminum processing) and relevant supporting projects in line with the development planning of professional parks, they should acquire land for construction openly through bid inviting, auction, and listing. The transfer price of industrial land should be assessed according to the market conditions of industrial land in a reasonable way, and should not be lower than the Standards for the Minimum Transfer Prices of Land for Industrial Purposes for corresponding local land grade. For projects on industrial land, the purchasing and storage costs of land are not calculated as land for single projects; investment in infrastructure and other unnecessary costs should be included in operating land costs of neighboring and other regions for general equilibrium.

◆Support for supporting industries

For newly built or technological transformation projects in fields like hardware, packaging materials, molds, injection molding and surface treatment which are ancillary projects of leading advanced equipment manufacturing industries (intensive aluminum processing) with an application rate of more than 70 percent, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount shall be granted to enterprises, if the one-off equipment investment of a single project exceeds 10 million yuan or more (including 10 million yuan). The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 4 million yuan.

◆Support for standard plant renting and purchasing

For industrial enterprises of manufacturing industry renting standard plants with contract lease term over three years, a subsidy of two years will be offered according to the actual rent of enterprises (a maximum of 10 yuan/square meter per month). The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 3 million yuan. For enterprises renting standard plants with output intensity of 10 thousand yuan/square meter, a subsidy of two years will be offered according to the actual rent of enterprises (a maximum of 15 yuan/square meter per month). The amount of subsidy for single projects shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

Enterprises are encouraged to purchase standard plants for manufacturing projects or producer service projects of industry field. For enterprises purchasing standard plants from construction investors for manufacturing projects or producer service projects of industry field, a one-off subsidy with the standard of 200 yuan/square meter will be offered. For standard plants with light steel structure, the subsidy will be halved.

◆Supporting intelligence-based reconstruction of intelligent manufacturing and intelligent factories

Support will be offered to accelerate the application of industrial robots, additive manufacturing, intelligent sensing and control, intelligent testing and assembly, and other intelligent manufacturing equipment in production and design. For single intelligent manufacturing and intelligent factory projects with fixed assets investments exceeding 100 million (including 100 million), the enterprises will be granted an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 10 million yuan; for projects with fixed assets investments ranging from 10 million yuan (including 10 million yuan) to 100 million yuan, an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the fixed assets investments will be offered. The amount of interest subsidy (subsidy) for single projects shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

Summary of the Notice of the General Office of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing Several Guidelines on Accelerating the Development of Advanced Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing and New Energy Vehicle Industry in Nanning (NFG [2016] No. 83, valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Supporting enterprises in investment

For major advanced machinery and equipment projects with a total fixed assets investment of 2 billion yuan or more or expected annual sales revenue of 4 billion yuan or more, support shall be provided in investment and construction through market operation such as "plants built by Nanning Municipal People's Government and rented and utilized by project owners", "plants built by project owners and subsidized by Nanning Municipal People's Government", and "funds established to raise money for project construction".

◆Supporting project construction

For advanced machinery and equipment projects with plants built by project owners and a total fixed assets investment of 1 billion yuan or more as well as a total equipment investment of 600 million yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 8 percent of the annual equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 120 million yuan.

For advanced machinery and equipment projects with a total fixed assets investment of 2 billion yuan or more and a total equipment investment of 1.5 billion yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 10 percent of the annual equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 300 million yuan.

For advanced machinery and equipment projects that have rented industrial standard plants built by Nanning Municipal People's Government and with a total equipment investment of 600 million yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 6 percent of the annual equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 100 million yuan.

For advanced machinery and equipment projects with a total equipment investment of 1.5 billion yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 8 percent of the annual equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 200 million yuan.

For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force, the subsidy standard for rented plants shall be raised to the level equal to that for self-built plants.

In order to support plant renting, for advanced machinery and equipment projects with a total equipment investment of 600 million yuan or more which have rented industrial standard plants, the rent shall be exempted for the first three years and halved for the next two years based on the market price through subsidy and other grant forms.

◆Supporting project relocation

For advanced machinery and equipment projects relocated from outside Nanning with a total fixed assets investment of 1 billion yuan or more and a total equipment investment of 600 million yuan or more, if their annual fixed assets investment aggregates 1 billion yuan or more, a one-off relocation subsidy of 5 million yuan shall be granted in the year; if their annual fixed assets investment aggregates 500 million to 1 billion yuan, a one-off relocation subsidy of 2.5 million yuan shall be granted in the year. The subsidy period shall not exceed three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate shall not exceed 15 million yuan.

For major relocation projects with large investment amount, multiple sub-projects and long construction period, the subsidy period can be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 25 million yuan.

◆Supporting construction of intelligent equipment manufacturing projects

For intelligent equipment production projects and key component production projects with a total fixed assets investment of 150 million yuan or more and a total equipment investment of 80 million yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 8 percent of the annual equipment investment amount, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 12 million yuan.

For those projects with a total fixed assets investment of 300 million yuan or more and a total equipment investment of 150 million yuan or more, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 10 percent of the annual fixed assets investment amount, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 50 million yuan.

For intelligent equipment production projects and key component production projects with a total equipment investment of more than 150 million yuan which have rented industrial standard plants, the rent shall be exempted for the first three years and halved for the next two years based on the market price through subsidy and other grant forms.

◆Supporting enterprises in growth

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 1 to 3 billion yuan (including 3 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.2 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 18 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 3 to 5 billion yuan (including 5 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.4 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 60 million yuan.

For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force or substantial contribution to tax revenues, the subsidy period shall be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 100 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of more than 5 billion yuan after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.6 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 90 million yuan.

For projects with high-tech equipment and strong driving force, the subsidy period shall be extended to five years, and the cap on the five-year subsidy aggregate shall be raised to 150 million yuan.

For intelligent equipment production projects and key component production projects with an annual sales revenue of 500 million to 1 billion yuan (including 1 billion yuan), enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.6 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 18 million yuan. For projects with annual sales revenue of more than 1 billion yuan, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.8 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 30 million yuan.

◆ Supporting enterprises in power supply

For key advanced machinery and equipment enterprises which have paid fees for high-reliability power supply, a subsidy of 10 percent of the high-reliability power supply fees paid shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate not more than 1.5 million yuan; for enterprises which have built 110 kV or more dedicated substations, a subsidy of 5 percent of the construction investment shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate not more than 5 million yuan;

◆Supporting enterprises in innovation and R&D

For enterprises which have built R&D platforms such as technology centers, testing and certification laboratories and with a total instruments and equipment investment of 100 million yuan or more, a subsidy of 15 percent of the instruments and equipment investment amount shall be granted, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 30 million yuan.

For industry-leading pillar intelligent equipment enterprises which have established institutions specializing in intelligent equipment R&D, software design, display verification, testing and identification and other fields and have invested 20 million yuan or more in equipment for these institutions, a subsidy of 15 percent of the total annual equipment investment amount of an institution shall be granted, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 30 million yuan.

In order to beef up efforts in building industrial public technology service platforms and advancing the research, development, application and demonstration of key technologies that have a broad application, for construction of open professional service platforms for widely used technologies, a special subsidy shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate not more than 2 million yuan.

In order to support enterprises to undertake the commercialization of scientific research achievements, for national key special R&D programs which have been industrialized first in Nanning and with an annual sales revenue of products reaching 20 million yuan or more, a subsidy of 15 percent of the relevant investment amount during the industrialization process shall be granted to Nanning-based enterprises which have undertaken the commercialization with the subsidy aggregate not more than 2 million yuan.

In order to support enterprises to apply for certification of industrial qualifications, for enterprises obtaining the certification of relevant domestic and international professional qualification authentication systems which can help Nanning's machinery and equipment products enter high-end, professional or special fields such as IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard), AS9100 (Quality Management Systems Standard for Aerospace Industry), DNV (Norwegian Classification Society Det Norske Veritas), ABS (American Bureau of Shipping), TS16949 (Quality Management System for Automobile Industry), and NADCAP (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program), a premium shall be granted to enterprises with the premium aggregate for a single certification not more than 500,000 yuan and the premium aggregate for a single enterprise not more than 1 million yuan.

In order to support enterprises to conduct R&D, for Nanning-based intelligent equipment R&D institutions which have been accredited as national enterprise technology centers by allied authorities, a subsidy of 10 million yuan shall be granted.

◆Supporting demonstration and application of intelligent manufacturing

Major demonstration, promotion and matching activities for intelligent manufacturing industry are carried out every year. For projects listed among Nanning Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Pilot Projects, a subsidy of 10 percent of the total equipment and software investment amount of a project shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate for a single demonstration project not more than 10 million yuan.

In order to subsidize the application of intelligent equipment, a certain subsidy shall be granted to Nanning-based enterprises purchasing or leasing intelligent equipment in line with relevant provisions. For enterprises which have purchased or leased intelligent equipment manipulators, a subsidy of not more than 20 percent of the selling price or the rental fee of a manipulator shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate for a set not more than 100,000 yuan and the subsidy aggregate for a single enterprise not more than 2 million yuan; for enterprises which have purchased or leased a complete set of intelligent equipment, a subsidy of not more than 10 percent of the selling price or the rental fee of a complete set of equipment shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate for a single set not more than 500,000 yuan and the subsidy aggregate for a single enterprise not more than 5 million yuan. One enterprise shall only apply for one subsidy for the same project.

In order to award first (set of) product, for Nanning-based intelligent equipment manufacturing enterprises which have obtained a certification for China's first (set of) product, an award of 50 percent of the selling price of the first (set of) product with the award aggregate for a single set not more than 1 million yuan and the award aggregate for a single enterprise not more than 2 million yuan.

(IV) Summaries of Policies Introduced by Nanning on Accelerating the Development of Emerging Industries

Summary of Several Policy Guidelines of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Accelerating Industrial Transformation and Upgrade (NFG [2017] No. 30, valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Supporting to foster strategic emerging industries at a faster pace

For single projects with a one-off equipment investment of 200 million yuan or more, Summary of the Notice of the General Office of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Adjusting the Local Financial Subsidy Standards for New Energy Vehicles in 2017 (NFB [2017] No. 51, valid until December 31, 2020)

For new energy vehicles sold, registered and licensed within Nanning, a municipal financial subsidy of 50 percent of the central government's single vehicle subsidy amount shall be granted since January 1, 2017.

For projects whose construction has been financed by investment funds, during the existence period of the funds, an annual maximum subsidy of 4 percent of the actual amount being in place in the projects shall be granted with the subsidy period not more than three years. Projects which have enjoyed this policy shall not enjoy the interest subsidy (subsidy) policies relevant to equipment investment.

For major new or technological transformation projects in strategic emerging industries with high technological sophistication and strong development potential, if the one-off equipment investment of a single project exceeds 20 million yuan (including 20 million yuan), an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount shall be granted to enterprises, with the interest subsidy (subsidy) aggregate for a single project not more than 10 million yuan.

In order to encourage the development of new-generation IT ancillary industry, for newly built or technological transformation projects in fields like hardware, packaging materials, molds, injection molding and surface treatment which are ancillary projects of new generation IT industry with an application rate of more than 70 percent, if the one-off equipment investment of a single project exceeds 10 million yuan (including 10 million yuan), an interest subsidy (subsidy) of 6 percent of the equipment investment amount shall be granted to enterprises, with the interest subsidy (subsidy) aggregate for a single project not more than 4 million yuan.

— Summary of the Notice of the Nanning Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing Several Guidelines on Accelerating the Development of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industry in Nanning (NFG [2016] No. 35, valid until December 31, 2020)

◆Supporting enterprises in investment

For major energy conservation and environmental protection projects with a total fixed assets investment of 1 billion yuan or more or expected annual sales revenue of 2 billion yuan or more, support shall be provided in investment and construction through market operation forms such as "plants built by Nanning Municipal People's Government and rented and utilized by project owners", "plants built by project owners and subsidized by Nanning Municipal People's Government", and "funds established to raise money for project construction".

◆Supporting project construction

In order to support the construction of major projects, for those major projects with a total fixed assets investment of more than 500 million yuan and a total equipment investment of more than 300 million yuan, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 8 percent of the annual newly-added equipment investment amount during the project investment and construction period, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 50 million yuan.

In order to subsidize enterprises renting standard plants, for projects which have rented standard plants for at least three years, a two-year subsidy under the standard of 10 yuan/square meter (if they are ancillary projects of large enterprises, the subsidy period shall be extended to 3 years) shall be granted; for projects which have rented standard plants with light steel structure, a subsidy under the standard of 5 yuan/square meter shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate for a single project not more than 2 million yuan.

◆Supporting enterprises in growth

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 300 to 500 million yuan (including 500 million yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.4 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 6 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of 500 million to 1 billion yuan (including 1 billion yuan) after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.5 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 15 million yuan.

For projects with expected annual sales revenue of more than 1 billion yuan after coming on stream, enterprises shall be granted a subsidy of 0.6 percent of the annual sales revenue, with the subsidy period not more than three years and the three-year subsidy aggregate not more than 25 million yuan.

In order to introduce competitive enterprises, for domestic listed enterprises in energy conservation and environmental protection which have actually relocated their headquarters or regional headquarters to Nanning, a one-off subsidy of 5 million yuan shall be granted.

◆Supporting innovative development

In order to accelerate the construction of public service platforms for energy conservation and environmental protection, and enhance the research, development, application and demonstration of key technologies that have a broad application, for the construction of open and professional service platforms for widely-used technologies, a subsidy of 50 percent of the actual investment amount shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate not more than 1 million yuan.

In order to further industrialize scientific and research achievements, for new technologies, products, equipment and processes developed and produced by energy conservation and environmental protection enterprises and with the annual sales revenue of a single product (technology and equipment) reaching 20 million yuan or more, a one-off subsidy of 0.5 percent of the revenue shall be granted with the subsidy aggregate for a single enterprise in the year not more than 1 million yuan.

In order to encourage enterprises to obtain certification, for enterprises which are new holders of the highest-level assets of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry such as the national first-level environmental protection engineering contracting qualification, and the first-class environmental engineering design, a maximum premium of 300,000 yuan for a single qualification shall be granted, and enterprises obtaining the certification of different qualifications on the same level shall be rewarded only once.

◆Supporting financial policies

Preferential policies such as tax relief for energy conservation, environmental protection, comprehensive resources utilization and relevant service industries shall be conscientiously implemented, green procurement policies shall be promoted, government subsidy mechanisms and green procurement systems for major construction projects shall be established, energy efficiency levels and environmental protection standards for energy conservation and environmental protection products procured shall be improved, the scope of energy conservation and environmental protection products procured by the government shall be expanded, the procurement proportion of energy conservation and environmental protection products shall be continuously increased, and government agencies and institutions shall be encouraged to drive the development of energy conservation and environmental protection industry through purchasing services. Meanwhile, policies such as export-oriented discount loans and secured loans shall be put in place to support the export of energy conservation and environmental protection equipment products.

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Keyword: Guangxi-policy


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